Sun Fresh Water Awarded Two Patents by the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office


Sun Fresh Water Attends Global Water Partnership’s Follow The Sun’ Network Meeting 2018


Providing high production, cost effective, scalable, solar and thermal powered distillation/desalination systems.

“a significant solution to the global challenge of providing access to potable water.”

Sun Fresh Water


Solar Powered Desalination System


Sun Fresh Water, LLC is located in Ormond By-The-Sea, Florida and is in partnership with the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development of The City University of New York for the purpose of bringing to market their inexpensive, scalable, portable, solar powered desalination system to address the global challenge of providing access to the global challenge of providing a sustainable solution for potable water.

” … a significant solution to the growing global challenge of providing access to potable water.”

– Professor Ali Sadegh

Founder of the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development of The City College of New York

A Life Changing Approach

The Sun Fresh Water Solution!

A potential technological clean energy solution for water purification and desalination is solar energy, in the form of solar water distillation {SWD). SWD is not a new process, but it has not received the attention that it deserves for technological advancement and/or scales. Therefore, the potential impact for human viability by theoretically increasing the amount of accessible fresh water 100 fold is staggering. Sun Fresh Water, LLC, in partnership with the Center For Advanced Engineering Design and Development of The City University of New York have developed a portable Solar Powered Water Purification System that provides the prospect of significantly increasing the availability of fresh water for human consumption and agricultural production.

In this new approach, the absorber material receives energy from below and transfers the heat to the evaporation chamber. As a pilot study, we have built basic units and conducted preliminary testing in Florida, with production of up to 3X from reported flat systems, and up to 2X from the reported CPC experiments. The expected energy savings are enormous when compared to the benchmark of the alternative ofreverse-osmosis, where energy usage is about 5 kWhe/m3.

The specific aim of this effort is to optimize this technology, characterize the performance, and develop a commercially ready unit for a large-scale deployment. Accordingly, we are seeking a partner who has both the resources to enable us to optimize our technology and develop a commercially ready unit, as well as to provide the ability to manufacture and distribute this technology globally.


Contact us For more information about our business models

It is our intent to utilize one or more of the business models below to realize the very significant revenue potential our system provides:

  • Retail/Lease Directly to End Users
  • Government Partnerships
  • Water Farms
  • The Swedish Model

The Time is now

The Water Crisis

Water is the basic necessity for human along with food and air. There is almost no water left on Earth that is safe to drink without purification.  Clearly, this makes the issue of access to potable water THE most critical health threat to the human condition and any viable solution to this threat must receive serious consideration.

The reality of this crisis is abundantly clear to people in several areas of the world. California is entering the fourth year of a record-breaking drought creating an extremely parched landscape. Strict conservation measures have been imposed statewide since a drought State of Emergency was declared by Govenor Jerry Brown in 2015. A drought in the Western Cape province of South Africa also began in 2015 and is resulting in a severe water shortage in the region, most notably affecting the city of Cape Town. Despite water saving measures, dam levels are predicted to decline to critically low levels, and the city has made plans for “Day Zero”, when the municipal water supply will largely be shut off.

Water on Earth

Only 1% of Earth’s water is in a fresh, liquid state, and nearly all of this is polluted by both diseases and toxic chemicals.

World Population

About two-thirds of the world’s population faces water scarcity for at least one month during the year – 4 billion people!

Loss of Life

Between 6 and 8 million people perish annually due to lack of access to potable water and inadequate sanitary conditions from lack of water for sanitation.

No Safe Water

Today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world do not have access to water that is safe to drink without proper purification methods available to them.

This map provides graphic evidence of the seriousness of the global challenge for a sustainable source of potable water.

Concept of Linear Concentration SDW System

Initial Linear Heat Tube Cross-section

A work of art

The System & Product Testing

THIS SYSTEM is a novel optimal concentration solar distillation system where we employ a linear solar thermal concentration with adaptive focal point i.e., linear and parabolic Fresnel system. The proposed evolutionary SDW is portable, scalable, and of high production. Specifically, the proposed SWD takes advantage of linear concentration, and optimizes water production in the absorbing chamber. Unlike the conventional and CPC systems, in this new approach the absorber material receives energy from below and transfer the heat to the evaporation chamber.
PRODUCT TESTING over the last five years confirms the observation of Professors Ali Sadegh and Jorge Gonzalez that the system is 3 to 5 times more effective than the status quo. With planned improvements including the incorporation of nanotechnology covered by our Pending Utility Patent, it is projected that the system will produce >14L/m2/day.

A work of art

The System & Product Testing

THIS SYSTEM is a novel optimal concentration solar distillation system where we employ a linear solar thermal concentration with adaptive focal point i.e., linear and parabolic Fresnel system. The proposed evolutionary SDW is portable, scalable, and of high production. Specifically, the proposed SWD takes advantage of linear concentration, and optimizes water production in the absorbing chamber. Unlike the conventional and CPC systems, in this new approach the absorber material receives energy from below and transfer the heat to the evaporation chamber.

PRODUCT TESTING over the last five years confirms the observation of Professors Ali Sadegh and Jorge Gonzalez that the system is 3 to 5 times more effective than the status quo. With planned improvements including the incorporation of nanotechnology covered by our Pending Utility Patent, it is projected that the system will produce >14L/m2/day.

Concept of Linear Concentration SDW System

Initial Linear Heat Tube Cross-section

Awarded third patent for:

A ‘WATER FARM’ to Convert Deserts to Agricultural Production

Sun Fresh Water, LLC, in partnership with the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development of the City College of New Yorkis please to announce that they have been awarded a third US Utility Patent for its ‘Water Farm’ Concept that enables deserts to be converted to agricultural production, expand available the available area for human occupation, and mitigate global warming.With one-third of the Earth’s land surface consumed by deserts, and other land unsuitable for farming, this system offers significant potential.

The system provides for water to be drawn from a salt or contaminated body of water via solar/wind/or a traditional power source, transferred to a holding tank from which it is introduced into its proprietary distillation system. It also includes an innovative pre-heating system that significantly increases the temperature of the contaminated water thereby enhancing potable water production. See image.

Awarded third patent for:

A ‘WATER FARM’ to Convert Deserts to Agricultural Production

Sun Fresh Water, LLC, in partnership with the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development of the City College of New Yorkis please to announce that they have been awarded a third US Utility Patent for its ‘Water Farm’ Concept that enables deserts to be converted to agricultural production, expand available the available area for human occupation, and mitigate global warming.With one-third of the Earth’s land surface consumed by deserts, and other land unsuitable for farming, this system offers significant potential.

The system provides for water to be drawn from a salt or contaminated body of water via solar/wind/or a traditional power source, transferred to a holding tank from which it is introduced into its proprietary distillation system. It also includes an innovative pre-heating system that significantly increases the temperature of the contaminated water thereby enhancing potable water production. See image.

Sun Fresh Water, LLC Establishes Patent Pending For:

Revolutionary Potable Water Production

Sun Fresh Water, LLC, in partnership with the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development of the City College of New York has filed a Provisional Patent Application for its system to convert thermal power plants to simultaneously produce potable water. This system serves as an add-on to all thermal power plants, and with an excess of 24,000 such plants globally, provides the potential to significantly mitigate the global challenge of securing a sustainable source of potable water.

As an “add-on” to power plants this system “borrows” the heat that power plants generate and diverts it into a proprietary condenser designed for salt and otherwise contaminated water.It is ideal for local, regional. Or nationwide water demands. Provides significant coat savings versus reverse osmosis desalination. Incurs no added energy consumption or expense. And this system requires minimal maintenance with no costly part replacement expenses. 

As most power plants are located adjacent to bodies of water, this system has the potential to solve the global water crisis! See schematic below.


Making a National Impact

Established in 1999, The Center for Advanced Engineering and Development (CAEDD) conducts, coordinates and promotes interdisciplinary design oriented, applied engineering research and development for industry. It also encourages and fosters interdisciplinary engineering design and manufacturing education by the academic Departments in the School. In addition, the Center serves as an outreach and referral service for small to large industrial firms in New York City seeking assistance with technical problems.

The challenge of intense competition in the global marketplace has created a demand in industry for high risk, but powerful new technologies. This has resulted in calls for partnerships and cooperation between industries, and universities. The Grove School of Engineering at CCNY, being the largest school of engineering in New York City and the City’s only public school of engineering, has a great potential to respond to this need.

The purpose of CAEDD is to embark on this urgently needed endeavor by mobilizing the substantial intellectual resources of the School of Engineering faculty. The Center aims at the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of the contemporary technological enterprise in the areas of computer applications, product design and advanced manufacturing systems by drawing talents from all of the departments in the Grove School of Engineering.

The team Behind Sun Fresh Water

Key Personnel

Prof. Jorge Gonzalez, PhD

Dr. Gonzalez is the Director of the Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability (ESES) Graduate Initiative and the NOAA CREST professor of Mechanical Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY)…
Dr. Gonzalez is the Director of the Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability (ESES) Graduate Initiative and the NOAA CREST professor of Mechanical Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY). Dr. Gonzalez earned his Doctorate (1994) and Bachelor (1988) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagiiez, respectively. He joined CCNY faculty in 2008 after tenures at Santa Clara University, California, as Professor and David Packard Scholar, and as Chairman and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagiiez. He teaches and conducts research in regional climate change, renewable energy, environmental sustainability, regional climate modeling, and urban remote sensing. He holds four patents in solar thermal energy equipment and aerosol detection. His research has attracted more than
$15M in external funding from; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, the California Energy Commission and several private enterprises. He is a Fellow Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, and Vice-Chairman of the American Meteorological Society Board on the Urban Environment

Prof. Ali Sadegh PhD, P .E., CMfgE.

Ali Sadegh is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director of the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development and former Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at…
Ali Sadegh is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director of the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and Development and former Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CCNY. He has over 175 publications; 17 US patents and is a reviewer for several international journals. He has published two books. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He received the Melville Medal and the Best Paper Award from ASME. He developed the Senior Design Course and has been teaching the course since 1988. In the past he has received over 113 research grants total of over $3.3 Million from the government agencies: NSF, AFOSR, ARMY, NA VY, ONR and from industries such as ALCOA, Lucent/Bell Labs, GM, etc.

Joseph D' Alba, JD

Joseph D’ Alba is the President of Sun Fresh Water, LLC. He earned a Juris Doctorate, University of Dayton, School of Law, Dayton, Ohio, in 1984 and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, The George Washington University…
Joseph D’ Alba is the President of Sun Fresh Water, LLC. He earned a Juris Doctorate, University of Dayton, School of Law, Dayton, Ohio, in 1984 and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., in 1978. As President, he is responsible for the administration of the operations of the company that is developing a scalable, portable, solar powered desalination system to address the critical global shortage of potable water for human and agricultural use. He has two Patents Pending , Utility Patent, System For Purifying Water, U.S. Serial Number 61/850,378 (filed February 15, 2013}, and a Utility Patent for a Linear Desalination Tube, U.S. Patent application 14/969,076 (filed December 15, 2014)

George V. St. Pierre

George V. St. Pierre is the Vice President of Sun Fresh Water, LLC. He earned a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from North Adams State College in 1963 and a Bachelor of Science in Education from that same…
George V. St. Pierre is the Vice President of Sun Fresh Water, LLC. He earned a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from North Adams State College in 1963 and a Bachelor of Science in Education from that same institution in 1961. As Vice-President he is responsible for product development and testing. He has two Patents Pending , Utility Patent, System For Purifying Water, U.S. Serial Number 61/850,378 (filed February 15, 2013}, and a Utility Patent for a Linear Desalination Tube, U.S. Patent application 14/969,076 (filed December 15, 2014

Get In Touch

Sun Fresh Water, LLC

1454 Ocean Shore Blvd. Suite 111

Ormond By The Sea, FL 32176